Online Help Documentation

Organization Units

Organization units allows to group Work Examiner objects, users and computers, using various criterias. Grouped objects can be sued in reports, application and website filtering rule, scheduled reports. For users grouping are used: organization units and user groups.

User Sessions

Organization Unit is a container that can include users, computers, user groups, organization units (in the Professional edition, there is a full OU hierarchy mode supported, in the Standard edition – flat, one level OU model only). Organization Units usually are used to reflect the departments structure of the company. OU object can be a member of one Organization Unit only.

Organizational structure can be used to divide access rights to Work Examiner objects and to manage client options. See more info on these items in Security Management and Client Options sections.

In the left part of the screen you can see Organization units tree. In the right part – OU contents are located. OU contents show Work Examiner objects (user\computer\user group\OU) with many properties reflected in columns: name, connection status, object type, client version, last connect time and last logs upload time. The status, last connect time and last logs upload time are used for users and computers only. The Status column shows whether the user or PC is Online\Offline, depending on the user session visibility. The Client Version column is used by computers only and shows installed WE Client build number on the remote PC.

From the organization unit contents you may move to the Activities Report. Just click on this button and Work Examiner will instantly forward you to the Activities Report with current user or computer selected in Report Controls.

Install Clients button allows to deploy WE Clients remotely. See more info on the remote clients deployment in the Remote installation of clients section.

To delete a WE Client remotely use the Uninstall button.

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